Pump Centre Council Terms of Reference (ToR) summary
(For the full ToR please refer to the Pump Centre Operating Framework)
The Pump Centre Council comprises of a Chair, Vice Chair, Manager and up to seventeen elected members from Level 1, 2 & 4 membership categories.
The seventeen elected member seats are made up of the following groups:
- End Users – up to 7 seats
- Pump Manufacturers, Component & Service Suppliers and Contractors and Consultants – up to 10 seats
Council Members are elected by the membership and serve up to a twenty-four-month term of office.
The elected places on the Pump Centre Council are allocated to the Member company and not to the individual Council Member.
Pump Centre Council remit:
- Provide input to the development and implementation of Pump Centre policy and strategy on behalf of the membership. The primary responsibility for formulating the strategy and policy rests with the Chair and Manager.
- Contribute to the performance and growth of the Pump Centre and the achievement of its objectives.
- Formulate and implement action plans to deliver their initiatives as set out in the nomination form.
- Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of relevant issues.
- Be proactive in identifying opportunities for the development of Pump Centre services to the benefit of the membership.
- Be ambassadors for the Pump Centre and promote it whenever possible.
Pump Centre Council elected member responsibilities during their elected 24-month term of office are:
- Offer full proactive support to the pump centre and declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
- Attend all Council Meetings. If they are unable to attend, they should nominate a deputy to attend on their behalf. Failure to attend or send a suitable nominated deputy to the Council meetings may mean the elected position is reallocated to another member.
- Champion an “initiative”. This could be a project, event, research, training, technical guide, general support, etc., that they will deliver to support the Pump Centre's agreed strategy and to benefit the Pump Centre membership.
Those seeking election to the Council will be required to complete and submit a Nomination Form. The details provided on the Nomination Form will be used by the membership when casting their vote during elections. A link to the “Nomination Form” can be found here.
Nominations are accepted from the beginning of August to the end of September during a nomination year, with the term of office commencing 1st January following the nomination.
Nominations for the Pump Centre Council period 1st January 2026 to 31st December 2028 will open August 2025. For more information please contact the Pump Centre.